
Sustainability Policy

Adaptiv Transport’s mission is critical to attainment of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa. In providing sustainable transportation services, Adaptiv Transport seeks to promote environmental and social sustainability across the value chain in the transportation and logistics sector. Adaptiv Transport recognises that sustainable development is a core driver, and not a hindrance, to delivering long-term financial returns to its shareholders. With that recognition, sustainability has been integrated with the overall business strategy and decision-making at Adaptiv Transport.

To achieve its sustainability objectives, Adaptiv Transport has adopted a sustainability policy. The board of directors of Adaptiv Transport has the ultimate responsibility for the group’s sustainability performance.

Adaptiv Transport’s sustainability policy covers the following aspects:

  • Identification, analysis and quantification of environmental and social sustainability factors, as well as the associated opportunities and risks.
  • Measurement and evaluation of sustainability performance, along with compliance with relevant legal and contractual obligations
  • Mechanism to benchmark and continually improve the group’s sustainability performance
  • Engagement with stakeholders and communications (internal and external)

The detailed policy is available for reference on request.

Role of CNG in energy transition

In our target markets, the public transport fleet for both cargo and passengers are powered predominantly by diesel. The market conditions and on-the-ground support infrastructure means it is not feasible to move immediately to zero-emissions technologies such as electric vehicles or hydrogen-powered drivetrains. While some of these technologies could become technically feasible and commercially viable in the future, waiting for those preconditions to be met is a folly – particularly when CNG is available immediately as an alternative. When compared to diesel, the environmental benefits of CNG are unquestioned. In addition to meaningful GHG emission reduction, it cut down on other pollutants by more than 90% - contributing directly to improvement in air quality (a major health issue in many emerging markets, including Africa).

Impact of replacing diesel with CNG on emissions


While CNG may seem to be less than ideal for complete decarbonisation of transport sector in Africa, there cannot be any doubt that it is far superior to the status quo. Further, unlike electricity generation, the transport sector has a key advantage when it comes to use of CNG. For gas-based power plants, the useful life is in decades which raises the prospect of either “locking in” the carbon emissions, or ending up with “stranded assets”. With an average useful life of c. 5 years, cargo transport fleets do not face any such challenge. As the viability and accessibility of zero-emissions technologies improve, Adaptiv Transport will progressively introduce them in its fleet while retiring the older CNG vehicles. This approach, again, is a win-win for the environment, the end users and our investors!